The heavens declare the

glory of God

and the sky above proclaims

his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

High Power Soccer

High Power Soccer is for kids entering K-6th Grade for Fall of 2024. Kids of any skill level will benefit! Kids will learn soccer skills, get lots of exercise and enjoy skits, singing and Bible teaching. A healthy snack or light meal will be served each night. The last night will include a closing ceremony. 

Tornado Relief

Our community in Greenfield, Iowa was hit by an EF4 tornado on May 21,  2024. Since then we've been dedicating ourselves to helping the town recover and share the love of Christ with those in need. 


Cornerstone Fellowship is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Come on out this Sunday and check us out!

Recent Sermons

Watch the latest teaching from Cornerstone Fellowship Church