Women's Ministry Focus
Cornerstone Fellowship Women's Ministry is about sharing life and the gospel with other women in order to encourage and to equip women to live for God's glory.
Core Values:
Core Values:
- Studying the Word of God
- Sharing the Gospel
- Building Relationships
- Encouraging Women
- Serving Women
- Loving Women
- Discipleship & Prayer

Women's Events
Women's Bible Studies
@ Cornerstone Fellowship
Tuesday Mornings through March 12: 8:30am led by Jina Nelson
Monday Evenings (every other week)through April 1: 7pm led by Michelle Norby
Monday Evenings (every other week)through April 1: 7pm led by Michelle Norby
Gather Coffees
Join us once a month on Saturday mornings (day and location TBD) for coffee and sermon discussion from 8:30-10:00 a.m.