Women's ministry


Join us for Arise, our annual event designed to bring women together for an evening of encouragement, reflection, and connection. Enjoy a three-course meal, worship, and an inspiring message by guest speaker Tobi Henschel on the resurrection of Jesus. Each beautifully decorated table and thoughtful take-home treat will make the night unforgettable. Arise offers an opportunity for women at all stages of faith to experience community, renewal, and support. Register online today for a night of fellowship and growth in faith!

About Tobi Henschel

Tobi Henschel lives in rural Osco, IL where she serves with her husband in the church he pastors, and she cares for their three boys. She has been a pastor’s wife for seventeen years, worked in education for eight years as an elementary teacher and paraprofessional, and has served as a writer and editor for the Flowers for the Pastor’s Wife blog for eight years. She is passionate about teaching God’s Word and serving His church. She is also a lover of coffee, chocolate, and ice cream and loves spending her time reading children’s literature, working on puzzles, and going on adventures with her family.

Women's Ministry Focus

Cornerstone Fellowship Women's Ministry is about sharing life and the gospel with other women in order to encourage and to equip women to live for God's glory.  

Core Values:
  • Studying the Word of God
  • Sharing the Gospel
  • Building Relationships
  • Encouraging Women
  • Serving Women
  • Loving Women
  • Discipleship & Prayer

Women's Events

Women's Bible Studies

@ Cornerstone Fellowship 

Contact Michelle Norby about Bible study or A-team information  515-290-7491.

Gather Coffees

Join us on the  2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month unless another women's event is scheduled that day.

Contact Us

We'd love to connect with you. Fill out the form below to get started.