Tornado Response

On May 21, 2024, our community was hit by a EF4 tornado. Four lives were lost and many homes were destroyed by the storm. In a town of only 2,000 people, the loss runs deep and echoes out to the surrounding areas.

In the wake of this disaster, Cornerstone Fellowship Church is committed to helping the community find peace and hope. Whether it's through prayer, donations, providing meals, cutting down trees, or picking up debris, we want to come alongside those in need and show them the love of Christ. 

Need Help?

We're offering free assistance to those in Greenfield and the surrounding areas who need help.
All work is done free of charge with no obligation.
Our services include:
- House Gutting
- Contents Removal
- Debris Cleanup
- Field Cleanup
- Reconstruction
Please let us know how we can help.
Contact us at: 612-790-9265

Ways To Serve

Cornerstone is working alongside ReachGlobal Crisis Response, a ministry of the EFCA that shares the love of Christ with those in need in the mission field that follows crisis, to coordinate our efforts to serve the Greenfield community.

Serve with Crisis Response:
Starting June 9 through August 30, Crisis Response will receive volunteer groups from interested churches for week-long and partial-week work trips. Week-long teams will arrive Sunday evening and depart Friday evening.  Partial-week teams will arrive Wednesday evening and depart Saturday evening.  (Preference will be given to week-long teams.) Housing, breakfast and dinner will be provided. Email with first and second preference of weeks as well as your estimated team size.  Crisis Response will approve requests and send confirmation with additional details. Fees associated with hosting the team will be requested of all participants ($370 per person for full-week and $200 per person for partial-week teams).

Ways to Donate

Due to an overwhelming amount of support we are not currently taking physical donations. However there are still critical ways you can help.

Gift Cards

If you would like to donate gift cards, you can drop them off in the office. Gift cards from Walmart, Casey's, or Visa are preferred. 

Financial Gifts

You can donate by going to the Give tab and selecting the Tornado Relief fund or you can donate by giving to the Greenfield Tornado Response on the EFCA  website.

Ways to Pray

  • Pray for the town of Greenfield as the full impact of the tornado settles in. The recovery process will be long. Ask that God will sustain them in the months ahead.
  • Pray for our church community, local church pastors, and leaders as we make decisions about how to best care for people over the next several months. As a part of the hundreds of homes impacted in the community, three families from our church community have lost their homes in completely.  
  • Pray that hearts would be open to the gospel as the Cornerstone community seeks to serve and care for our community. 
  • Pray for provision of essential resources and for the wisdom of ReachGlobal Crisis Response as they seek to meet a variety of needs. 

Get Connected

A disaster like this isn't just a quick fix. It takes time to recover from a crisis both physically and mentally. We'd love to connect with you and help support anyone in need. You could need trees cleaned up or just someone to talk with. We're here for you.